
Monday, August 31

Getting Personal

Through all three of our Kickstarters we've offered standard and deluxe editions of whatever FlickFleet material we are crowdfunding. The games are small hand-made runs (I don't want to be sitting on thousands of games in stock that drains our account through the cost of warehousing), so how do we make the deluxe ones deluxe?

The contents are almost exactly the same - the deluxe game has an extra set of dice, and everything deluxe has a little shiny sticker on it. But that's hardly earth-shattering. 

The biggest difference is that the deluxe ships are all laser-etched as well as laser-cut. It allows us to add details and the names of the ships (which can be useful in bigger battles).

Plus it looks really cool!

The etching takes a lot of time and requires a lot more work from Paul (to ensure the ships with the right names make it into each box). So they cost more.

But we wanted to make them more special - really worth the extra cost. We number them (x/400) and write a little inscription on the inside of the box lid. And we both sign them. I've no idea if that's a selling point or if people appreciate it, but it makes them more unique. 

We also offer the chance to personalise it too. Have John* or The Smiths* inside the box lid. About a third of deluxe backers take us up on that. Usually with something like those above. But some people have fun with it and that makes me happy. Here are a few favourites from this campaign*:

The Imperium Triumphant!

To Bill And Ted, may all your battles be epic!

To the everlasting glory of Queen Jane and the Smith Star Empire

By Grabthar's hammer!

We also make them first and deliver them first too.

We must be doing something right. Over two-thirds of our backers in the last campaign wanted the deluxe version.

*Names changed to protect the innocent.

Monday, August 24

Fulfilment Begins...

I got nothing Eurydice Games-related done at all last week as we had five days camping in Scotland and then on our return we were getting ready for and then having my eldest daughter's birthday celebrations (with no party :-( ).

With my week off behind me, my focus is now on fulfilling our latest Kickstarter. The supplier orders are all in progress, the printing has arrived and been delivered to Paul, but we’re still waiting on acrylic and wooden bits. 

Paul’s been able to make a head start on the laser cutting regardless as we have plenty of acrylic earmarked for unfinished base games and expansions, so he’s been making the add-ons from that while he waits for the new order to arrive (though we have no black, so the legendary pilots haven’t been started yet). 

I’ll be making and sending the game-only rewards from my house, so I’ve 26 games to make over the next month or so. The first couple of rewards have already gone in the post :-). Meanwhile Paul is doing the rewards that include expansions and/or add-ons - He’s making great progress on the add-on cutting and already has all the games and expansions ready to go. 

The other thing that will be filling my time while Paul continues his Herculean cutting task is spreadsheets. I need to get all the orders from Kickstarter and Gamefound and combine them and get the shipping addresses into the right shape. I’m approaching halfway through that task with a good few hours still to go. After that it’ll be catching up on the books and invoices - fun!

Monday, August 17

Spend, Spend, Spend!

Last week was all about spending the money we got from the last Kickstarter. The printing was ordered, proofed and then collected and delivered to Paul on Friday. The acrylic for the ships has been ordered too, as have the wooden bits and baggies. We still need a couple of other orders placing: some more deluxe stickers and some more packaging materials, but the major things are now underway. 

A car’s load of FlickFleet printing!

I met Paul on Friday evening for half an hour’s socially distant chat and to hand over the printing in a motorway service station car park. It was great to see him in person for the first time in months and months. We got to catch up, but also to do some scheming about what projects to work on next and how to spend the money we raised during this most recent Kickstarter that we haven’t already spent or earmarked for posting the rewards. 

But this week I’m camping in Scotland again, so it will all have to wait for a few more days!

Monday, August 10

Production Begins!

With the pledge manager almost completed we’re now in a position where we’ve a pretty good idea of what we need to make to fulfill this latest Kickstarter. 

Last week I was getting quotes for the printing, the wooden bits and the acrylic. Two of those have now arrived and the printing has begun. The wooden bits order should be placed and paid for shortly. 

The outlier in all this is the acrylic. And there’s a risk there. Every shop on the planet seems to have put up acrylic till screens recently, so there’s a chance the acrylic supplier we use is either short on stock or swamped with orders. 

Hopefully we’ll find out shortly that neither of these are the case! In the meantime, I have a lot of orders to go through, invoices to create and games to make and Paul has an awful lot more laser-cutting and bagging to do when all the bits arrive.

Monday, August 3

Past Jack Says: Tough Week

I usually write my blog posts on the weekend or before work on a Monday. I’m currently in Scotland in a tent though, and have been since Friday, so this one was written last Thursday on a train. 

Last week ended up being very stressful. I did manage to get the P&P files finished and posted, but that was the least of our worries. We found out on Monday that our 11 year old car had probably been written off in the shunt that my wife received on the previous Friday. 

With the holiday looming we needed a replacement car pretty quickly (ours didn’t look badly damaged, but apparently the reinforcement beam behind the bumper had caved in). So I ended up taking a decent chunk of the week off work trying to rapidly find and buy a replacement car. 

Could have done without that. 

Anyway, as far as The Box of Flicks goes we’re still on track. I’ll be closing the pledge manager tonight when I get home (hopefully everyone will have placed their orders by then - at time of writing there’s still 33 outstanding. 

Once we know exactly what’s been ordered we can go ahead and order the acrylic, wooden bits and dashboards and get cracking on the production. The next target is all the deluxe rewards by the end of September and there’s rather a lot of them! At least all the games and expansions are done and it’s just the add-ons we need to do.