
Monday, June 28


This week is a week of words.

We do a Kickstarter update at the end of each month.

And it’s quarterly email newsletter time.

Those last two ought to be different.

And I’m on to filling out the fulfilment spreadsheet, so lots of emails to deluxe backers asking if they’d like their copies personalised. 244 orders left to add to the spreadsheet.

Time to break out the pen and ink. 

Monday, June 21

Change Gear

I've spent the last month or more doing graphic design and placing orders.

The Box of Flicks 2 rules. And then dashboards.

Both much bigger jobs than I had expected.

A new box.

I've even re-done the Box of Flicks 1 rules (just added a components section and some ship rules that were in the Expansion, but not included in Box of Flicks 1).

It's been time consuming.

I'm placing the final order for materials today. Then everything is in flight.

There's only four orders outstanding, and I'm expecting two of those to arrive within a week.

The next thing for me is completing the fulfilment spreadsheet so Paul can ship stuff and then catching up on the bookkeeping.

Paul has been doing the cutting files and getting his tools together for fulfilment.

We've also had to order a replacement tube for the laser-cutter, which an engineer is fitting as part of a service this week.

Then Paul can start cutting in earnest (he can't do any fulfilment until the boxes and wooden bits arrive next month). 

Busy, busy...

Monday, June 14


It’s been an intense week.

I started a new job on Monday. The first in ten years where I didn’t know most of the staff on arrival.

Mum and Dad have been here all week for the first time in 21 months.

I’ve been staying up late chatting to Mum in the evenings.

It was my birthday too.

Around all of that I managed to send out the Print and Play rewards on Monday (a week late).

And place the last two acrylic orders.

And the penultimate print order.

And check the proofs for that and find yet more things that needed fixing (it had been proofed three times before!).

Next up is a little bit of graphic design tweaking the last print order. Placing and checking that.

Then the next big task is filling in the fulfilment spreadsheet that Paul works from and writing the 220 invoices I need to do from May and June.

There is no peace!

Monday, June 7

The Cusp

The last week has mostly been spent relaxing.

Three days in the woods and then a couple of days at home.

Recharging my batteries.

I needed it.

I’d been burning the candle at both ends for a few weeks.

The Box of Flicks 2 rules are done now and with the editor.

My almost three weeks off work are done now.

New job started today.

I can slow down a bit now - I’ve just got a few last orders to place and then everything is in flight.