
Monday, January 31


We’re a company of two. We wear a lot of hats.

Paul is manufacturing and fulfilment. And stock management.

I’m sales and marketing. Graphic design and finance.

This week has flexed all of those skills.

A different look!

I’ve been doing a first cut of Xeno Wars dashboards for playtesting copies.

Writing the new rulebook too.

I’ve finally finished the 3D printing packs - so they are now up and we’re going to run some ads too.

And the last piece of the puzzle is end of the month bookkeeping.

I really enjoy the graphic design (though I do not have a flair for it).

It’s been a fun week.

Less fun for Paul though. He’s finally had his surgery, but the recovery is slower than he was expecting :(

Monday, January 24


My games design streak ended on Friday after 22 days.

Achieving a 22-day streak would have been inconceivable last year or the year before.

Or probably any previous year since Reiver Games shut down.

I’ve started another now.

The productivity is spilling over.

I’ve got loads of Eurydice stuff done, not related to games design.

I’ve even been cranking through home chores on the weekends too.

We’re back in business

And our new laser-cutter arrived, so once Paul’s recovered from his surgery he can finish the Kickstarter fulfilment.

All systems go!

Monday, January 17


My game design languished during 2020.

The only other person I could playtest with was seven years old.

I hate solo playtesting.

Everything slowed to a crawl.

The pandemic robbed me of my headspace.

(Still, I was lucky that was all)

Towards the end of last year things picked up.

I was was able to host some playtesting nights.

I started making progress on a few games.

This year I’m trying to do some game design every day.

Coupled with a Roll & Write design that I can quickly iterate and share with playtesters, my pace has dramatically improved.

Cycle time is very short

I’m even solo playtesting FlickFleet: Xeno Wars to try to balance the ships and make sure they are fun.

I’m loving the productivity. The daily progress. The incremental gains.

Monday, January 10


Over Christmas I had an idea for a Roll & Write game.

I’m trying to do a little game design every day this year.

I’m on a 11-day streak so far.

The player sheet is taking shape

It’s coming along really well.

Already out with playtesters.

Getting useful feedback.

I’ve also been hard at work on 3D printing files for FlickFleet.

The game, expansion 1 and Box of Flicks 1 are all done.

Box of Flicks 2 is a big job, but I’ve started!

Monday, January 3


And I still don't have a flying car or jetpack. How the 80s lied to me.

The start of another year usually brings resolutions. Or goals.

I prefer to work on habits.

What behaviours can I make habitual this year?

Habits take less effort (once formed).

Habits compound over time.

I need to make game design progress a habit.

Every week.

Solid progress.

Let's go!