
Monday, August 28


Conventions this year.

AireCon in March.

The UK Games Expo for the second time in June.

And now Tabletop Scotland.

Ready to demo!

I came here with low expectations.

It’s small. Much smaller even than AireCon.

But a friend of Paul’s offered to put us up, so it’s fairly cheap too.

I’ve been really looking forward to it.

Another road trip with Paul.

Another weekend of demoing FlickFleet and chatting about prototypes.

It was way better than I expected.

Still feels like we’re gathering momentum.

Lots of fans of FlickFleet stopped by.

Lots of new FlickFleet fans by the end of it :)

Monday, August 21


This month Eurydice Games Ltd turned five.

Six if you count the first year when I ran it by myself.

Almost as old as Daughter the Second.

I remember doing the initial graphic design for FlickFleet with her as a sleeping baby in one arm.

It's been fun watching it grow.

Get bigger.

Learn new things.

Same for Daughter the Second.

I’m excited to see what it grows up to be.

Much like Daughter the Second.

Road trip!

This week though, it is preparation for Tabletop Scotland.

It’s in Perth (Scotland, not Australia obviously!), this weekend.

It’s another weekend away with Paul.

Another road trip.

I’m really looking forward it it.

Monday, August 14


I'm back from my holiday.



Raring to go.

I kept up my games design streak while I was away.

Making progress on my new roll and write.

Working on Wizard a bit.

Coming up with a newer roll and write.

New roll and write sheet scribbled on the back of another roll and write sheet!

Now I'm back, I need to crack on with the Gamefound page for FlickFleet: A Box of Pirate Flicks.

Exciting times...

Monday, August 7


We’re on our way home now.

Via Paris.

But we still have 15 hours on trains.

I’m putting the time to good use.

Designing games.