
Monday, October 30


With much cheaper shipping, 

And double the ad budget, 

And better graphic design, 

And great new reviews, 

And Stretch Pay, 

I thought we’d get more backers who were new to FlickFleet. 

Not big pledges. Just the base game. 

Or maybe with Xeno Wars. 

At this point we have about 240 backers. Which is a lot less than last time. 

And 150 of those are existing fans getting the new stuff to add to their collections. 

Every time I run a campaign I’m surprised by something.

I wonder what put the new people off?

Monday, October 23

Fast. Slow. Fast?

We’re in the middle of the campaign.

After a great start, it’s slowed to a crawl.

I knew it was coming.

Happens every time.

Still hard though.

Watching the total tick ever so slowly up.

And occasionally down due to a cancellation.

We’re still tracking ahead of every campaign we’ve previously run.


No idea where we’ll end up.

Probably similar to Xeno Wars.

A bit up on it.

Or a bit down.

All depends on the last couple of days now. 

Until then we wait.

Watching it tick up slowly.

And occasionally down.

Monday, October 16


Our fifth FlickFleet campaign launches tomorrow lunchtime. 

I’m a bit worried about it. 

It’s a weird one. 

A new expansion for true fans of the game. 

But there’s not a huge number of them. 

And the new expansion doesn’t really make sense for new backers unless they go all in. 

Which is expensive now. 

And not possible until we unlock a lofty reprints stretch goal. 

We’ve only sold about 1,500 copies of FlickFleet in total over the last 5 years. 

I’m utterly convinced there are thousands (tens of thousands?) of people who would love FlickFleet if they played it. 

The challenge is finding them. 

And getting them to take a punt on a game made in a garage. 

I’m nervous. 

I hope tomorrow goes well.

Monday, October 9


I've a chain of daily tasks.

Including game design, exercise and a walk outside.

I keep track of how many days I've kept it up.

At the beginning of the year I set myself a goal of a 100 day chain.

I'd done that by March.

I broke the chain on a family holiday by accident after 123 days.

I thought I'd done my stretches but, in hindsight, I think I forgot.

I started again.

I got to 176, before last week's COVID did for it again.

Several days where I wasn't fit enough to exercise.

And shouldn't leave the house.

Now I'm feeling better I've started again.

It's day 5.

I want to get to 200 this time.

It's really good for me.

Monday, October 2


I’m writing this on Sunday.

Which is not unusual.

I’m also writing it from bed.

Which is.

We’ve got just over two weeks until the planned launch of our next Gamefound campaign.

Lots to do.

I could do without being ill.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

But here we are.