
Monday, November 29



I dare to dream.

Eurydice Games is going so well.

Much better than last time.

It even employs Paul (on a small part-time salary).

How far can we go?

I need to remember last time.

Jumping off the deep end.

Living two years without a salary.

Losing a bunch of my 'investment'.

I must learn from my mistakes...

Monday, November 22


When I started Eurydice Games I tried to set up a Advisory Board.

Photo by Nadir sYzYgY on Unsplash

Friends with relevant experience.

People who would hold us accountable and give us ideas and support.

It slowly died out.

A couple of months ago I found out about The Experience Bank.

Experienced business leaders from the North-East of England who want to give back.

Free business advice.

From successful business owners.

Last week I finally got round to creating a request.

We’ll see if we get any takers…

Monday, November 15


Our laser cutter caught fire two weeks ago.

Our supplier had two in stock and could install in early December.

It took us a few days to consider some funding options. 

Look at a few alternatives.

By Friday we were ready to place an order.

But in those few days the lead time had gone from early December to mid-January - they’d sold their last stock.

I spent the weekend looking at more alternatives.

They had a bigger, more expensive model in stock - it was too big.

We considered other suppliers.

They didn’t have it in stock either.

We considered other machines.

Then we settled on a like-for-like replacement.

And mid-January.

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

At least Paul will be able to get up to speed quickly with it.

Monday, November 8


The week before last week everything was rosy.

Fulfilment was back on track.

I was enjoying game design and making progress.

This last week has taken a toll.

I found a discrepancy in the books and spent my evenings cross-checking three different spreadsheets to try to track it down.

No games design progress.

And then laser-cutter caught fire and was destroyed. 

An acrylic fire destroyed the internals

Paul, his family and his house are all fine, but fulfilment is stalled while we source a replacement and set it up.

Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.

Monday, November 1


Paul slaves like Vulcan/Hephaestus over the laser-cutter.

Churning out Kickstarter rewards.

For the first time we have paid him!

Meanwhile, 100 miles to the north I am deep in InDesign.

Updating prototypes.

Tweaking them.

Trying new things.

Progress is being made.

The last Kickstarter deluxe rewards go out today. 

Then there’s another 76 standards to follow. 

I’m testing, updating and iterating three designs.

Coalescence is coming along

After the long, dark tea-time of the Pandemic it finally feels like I’m flying again.

Firing on all cylinders.

This posts has been one long mixed metaphor.