
Monday, April 25


Now I’m back from holiday I need to finalise Xeno Wars so I can finish the rulebook, print some review copies and post them. 

Our playtesters have had some fantastic ideas that take Xeno Wars and build on the new species. 

I need to playtest those and make a final decision on which ones we want to add in. 

Playtesting time is tricky. 

I got loads in on holiday but none since. 

In an ideal world Paul and I would test it together. 

But we live 100 miles apart. 

And I work full-time. 

And now Paul has COVID again. 

The final rulebook is the blocker for almost everything that comes next. 

To be honest, we can tweak it in the next couple of months, but we want the review copies to be as good as possible. 

I’d like to run the Gamefound in early June - just after the Expo. 

That doesn’t leave long for making review copies, posting them and reviewing. 

I feel the clock ticking.

Monday, April 18


I’ve spent the last week in Shropshire with the entirety of my family.

Was great to see them all - we’ve not seen much of them for a couple of years.

The kids were delighted to spend time with all their cousins.

It was great to meet my youngest nephew.

I took a bag of games of course.

We played a couple of games of Outfoxed with the younger kids.

Century Golem Edition with the older ones.

And a lot of FlickFleet: Xeno Wars. A lot.

This kitchen island saw a lot of FlickFleet action!

It was great to really thrash Xeno Wars - trying out a few of the playtesters ideas and getting in a bunch of multiplayer games.

Then when I got back my next door neighbour came round for a Star Wars Rebellion rematch.

It’s been a gaming-dense week :)

Monday, April 11


I’m staying in a big house in the country this week with all my family.

A view that isn’t houses

19 of us!

Ranging in age from 6 weeks to almost 77 years.

Should be a great break.

I’ve brought loads of games.

Might even do some playtesting.

Normal service resumes next week.

Monday, April 4


A month ago we sent five copies of FlickFleet: Xeno Wars for blind playtesting.

It’s a scary time.

And an exciting one.

Will they like it? Is it any good? Am I rubbish at this games design lark?

Like an adult child leaving home, it's time for it to develop its personality away from the watchful stare of its parents.

The playtesters are providing feedback now they’ve got it.

It’s fun. The aliens are fun to play.

And they have ideas to make it better still.

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

A fresh perspective.

We’re grateful.