
Monday, February 27


When you’re designing a game you want it to be functional.

And quick to iterate as you make changes.

And pretty to engage the testers.

But the first two are most important.

The game settles down and your changes become less frequent and smaller.

Then you can invest more time in pretty.

As you’re less likely to have to redo it.

Rocky ‘Roid is reaching that point.

This week has mostly been graphic design.

Getting prettier (low ink)

Paul has been shipping.

So I loaded all the invoices in to our accounts package using the app I wrote.

Found some bugs.

Only one lead to a shipping error and we fixed that before it arrived with the customer.

But I spent a lot of time checking for more.

And it cost us some money and Paul some time :(

Monday, February 20


I’ve spent the week sorting out the website shop.

I’d offered to do it, rather than the web developers.

It’s taken a decent chunk of time.

But we’re getting there.

I need better images for the bundles.

Then I can add the boxes of flicks.

Then the extras, starting with asteroids.

Meanwhile Paul has been filling his house.

With finished extras.

A lot of Option 13s

He’s going to be shipping a bunch of stuff soon.

Then there’s base games and the expansion boxes to do.


Monday, February 13


It’s all coming together.

The new website is finally live.

I’ve spent the week populating the shop part - the basics are in there now, but there’s loads more to come.

The big boxes arrived and Paul has done a test assemble.

Both big and boxy!

They are the last delivery we were waiting for the Gamefound campaign.

Paul’s working flat out, pulling long days laser-cutting.

He’s now made 320 deluxe Xeno Wars and is moving on to the extras.

Feels like we’re starting to get there!

Monday, February 6


I’ve been playing a lot of Rocky ‘Roid solo.

Mostly on my phone.

made a webpage for it.

It’s not complete yet, but it’s mostly playable.

And it already lets me gather data.

I’m trying to work out a good way of grading the solo game.

Adding difficulty - so you can choose how much of a fight you want to automaton to provide.

I’m testing fuel load and automaton hold size to see which works best.

And learning JavaScript at the same time :)

For the first time in three years I’m hosting Newcastle Playtest this week too. I’ll be bringing three prototypes - including Rocky ‘Roid.