
Monday, March 27


Eurydice Games is run out of my house in Newcastle.

And Paul’s in York.

100 miles apart.

We don’t meet as much as we’d like as a result.

But I spent almost a week with Paul before AireCon and then during it.

Helping with shipping before Paul’s family holiday.

He’s just been to mine for 24 hours.

Dropping off more stock for me to ship.

Heading to a home near you this week!

And just our two families hanging out together.

It’s not often the fulfilment is done from Newcastle.

Paul does almost all of it from his house.

I’m glad I can help.

Free up some of his time for laser-cutting.

Monday, March 20


For the last couple of weeks my focus has been the Rocky ‘Roid rules.

Oh, and AireCon.

Oh, and shipping Gamefound rewards.

But mostly rules.

The rules have crystallised now.

But the old ones were very basic - few examples and no diagrams.

They were easy to edit while the rules were changing, but they weren’t good enough for release.

So I’ve been splitting them up. Adding more examples.

Adding diagrams.

The low ink rules are done now.

Got high ink maps done too!

I can share them with reviewers.

High ink rules should be quite quick.

Meanwhile, I’ve been shipping the stuff I brought back from Paul’s.

Ordering packaging for the big box orders.

I’m going to sort out some more to ship once Paul’s back from his holiday.

Let him focus on cutting the last of the deluxe and EU rewards.

Monday, March 13


Last week was all about about AireCon.

And shipping.

I spent almost all week in York, staying with Paul and Mrs. Paul.

I came down early so I could spent two days helping out with Gamefound fulfilment.

I finished off 105 FlickFleets and Paul cut and finished 15 Box of Flicks 2.

Then we picked, packed and posted 33 complex orders.

Then off to AireCon to set-up. 

Ready to go!

The weather said heavy snow so we packed overnight bags just in case, but there was just a little sleet.

Friday there was a lot of snow on the ground and the trip over was a bit hairy.

The show was pretty quiet as a result.

Saturday was much busier.

It was great fun, but hard work.

Great meeting existing fans though. And creating new ones.

I’m back at work this week.

Need to catch up on some sleep!

Monday, March 6


Last week was preparation.

We’ve made the decision to publish Rocky ‘Roid.

My asteroid-mining roll and write.

I created a BGG page for it.

And a Gamefound campaign page.

And cracked on with the graphic design.

Lots of changes done for the low ink versions.

High ink sneak peak!

Then did the high ink versions.

And now working on proper rules. With diagrams.

This week I’m away almost all week.

It’s AireCon on the weekend, in Harrogate.

Our second convention.

And I’m going down a couple of days early to do a shift on the Gamefound fulfilment.

So that Paul can concentrate on laser-cutting.

Looking forward to spending the week with him.