
Monday, May 29


And yet not quite.

We shipped all the FlickFleet: Xeno Wars rewards. Including the ones due in July.

The EU ones are now with ShipQuest. We’re waiting to hear when then will be shipped.

Some of the US ones were returned because they thought they contained prohibited items :(

They don’t like the big boxes for some reason.

Need to work out how to accurately describe them that doesn’t fall foul of the rules.

But it’s nearly done.

I’ve had a slower week - since my parents were visiting.

Paul is still flat out, making stuff for the UK Games Expo this weekend (We'll be on stand 2-564 in Hall 2 if you're going - stop by and say hi!).

Then he can finally slow down.

Just over 24 hours till launch!

And Rocky ‘Roid launches tomorrow lunchtime!

Got a fun few weeks ahead!

Monday, May 22


It’s a good news/bad news week.

When we do a crowdfunding campaign I feel the weight of the pledges.

People have lent us money. Lots of money. In some cases, huge amounts of money.

We owe them. We’ve promised them something in return. I don’t like to break my word.

Until the pledges are all fulfilled I feel those loans. Weighing on me.

More so when we’re late. We’ve broken our word. Let people down.

This week I shipped the last of the non-EU deluxe rewards. Almost four months late.

Paul shipped the EU rewards to ShipQuest. Some almost four months late. Some over two months early.

On their way!

Then he parcelled up the non-EU standard rewards and either posted them or booked shipping for them for today.

Two months early.

The loan is repaid. 

A weight is lifted.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that I miscalculated. Shipping is more than we’d planned.

We’ve had to lend Eurydice some money again to tide us over until the Expo in a couple of weeks.

I’d love to get to the point where we’re not utterly dependant on crowdfunding cash injections.

Regular website sales covering our monthly overheads would be great.

Need to work on that.

After the Expo, and Rocky ‘Roid though.

Monday, May 15


Lots going on this week.

I met Paul last Wednesday and he came up Saturday with the last of the non-EU deluxe rewards.

I’ve got to ship them this week.

Before my daughter’s birthday party on Saturday and then my parents visit for a week on Sunday.

We played a couple of prototypes 

that are improving too

We’ve also got an advisory board meeting Wednesday evening.

And the Rocky ‘Roid Gamefound campaign is only a couple of weeks away.

And the Expo is only 3 weeks away too.

Lots to do.

And not much time to do it.

Best crack on.

Monday, May 8


The other day I saw a LinkedIn post about daily habits.

If you make 1% progress every day for a year you’ll make 377% progress!

There’s a rounding error. It’s actually 378%.

You’d think it was 365%, but the joys of compounding give you a little more.

At two years the compounding is even more pronounced. Instead of 730% you get 1,428%!

I’m only 150 days, less than half a year, into my daily games design habit - but I’m already feeling it.

I have multiple games on the go.

Making decent progress on them.

Playtesting loads

Some days it’s tiny progress. It can be a struggle to fit it in around FlickFleet shipping, Rocky ‘Roid prep and family commitments.

Others it’s huge.

Want to become good at something?

Do it every day.

Monday, May 1


We’ve had some (more) problems with the laser-cutter.

It’s cost Paul time while he worked around them.

He phoned the manufacturer. They’ve discontinued this model.

I’m not surprised. 

It was the ‘newer version’ of the one that caught fire.

Newer isn’t always better

The old one was pretty good up until the fire.

This one has been nothing but trouble.

I spent last week helping Paul with the shipping again.

Then met Paul again on Friday night to collect more stuff to ship this week.

Rocky ‘Roid is slipping as a result.

Still, we’re getting there. 

The end of the Xeno Wars campaign is in sight…