
Monday, June 26


With the Gamefound campaign for Xeno Wars (almost) complete, I can move to the next item on my list.

The website.

One of the advantages of getting it redone was a proper shop.

With shipping calculations.

So we could easily add more products.

A couple of weeks ago I added Xeno Wars and the Xeno Wars P&P files.

This week it’s been extras.

The scenario booklet.

Extra dice.

Extra asteroids.


Next up is extra nebulae. And extra wreckage.

We’ve a couple of playmats left too. Might put them up.

Then move along to the next item on my list.

It’s a long list!

Monday, June 19


Rocky ‘Roid was over 500% funded.

The ads didn’t do very well though, probably broke even at best.

Still, FlickFleet is going great.

Website sales for the last five weeks are over 13 times our normal sales.

13. Times.

That’s crazy.

A run of great reviews.

More people finding out about FlickFleet.

The Expo. 

A bit of buzz.

It’s been great. 

At the beginning of the year we had 4 weeks without a sale. 

This week we had eight consecutive days of sales.

It’s our best ever week for sales outside of a convention or crowdfunding fulfilment.

Feels like we’re building momentum.

Monday, June 12


We live a boom and bust cycle.

A big influx of cash when we do a crowdfunding campaign.

Which we spend on materials. And then shipping.

Then our overheads slowly eat away at the remaining cash until we do another campaign.

Sometimes we need to loan the company money.

Then we do another campaign. And we’re flush again.

Our overheads have gone up.

A lot.

Paul’s small salary. Various things to free up my time.

Website sales are usually minimal.

We need to get to the point where they cover our overheads.

Then we survive between campaigns.

We have a new website. I want to run ads pointing at it. 

I’ve been putting it off until Paul finished the Xeno Wars rewards. We had no stock.

Now we do.

But the website has been doing better.

Because of great reviews.

Happy with that!

By Hunter and Friends. And Tabletop Gaming Magazine. And Board Game Quest.

The sales we’ve got from each of the reviews are enough to cover the week‘s overheads.

And the cost of the review copy and shipping is probably less than the amount we’d have to spend on ads to get the same sales.

Good value for money :)

P.S. Rocky ‘Roid finishes tomorrow!

Monday, June 5


I’ve known Paul for 17 years.

He brought two friends to my first ever public playtesting session.

All three of them ordered Border Reivers.

Reiver Games was born.

Paul invited me to his bi-weekly games night and we became friends.

When I moved away we stayed in touch and though I saw him infrequently, he was one of my best friends and playtesters.

We designed FlickFleet together in 2017.

He joined Eurydice Games in 2018.

Despite living 100 miles apart he’s my best friend.

We chat regularly on Slack, occasionally on FaceTime and meet up every few months.

We’ve just spent the last four days in each other’s pockets.

Breakfast and dinner together. On the stand all day together. Playtesting together in the evenings.

Road trip buddies

We evening shared a room and drove down from York together.

It’s been great.

It’s lovely to have a proper catch up.

Plan what’s next for Eurydice Games.

We don’t see enough of each other.