
Monday, November 27


Website sales are up.

A lot.

Like, a lot a lot.

Average weekly sales since the beginning of October are double May-September and almost 30 times January-April.


It's been amazing.

The new website has helped a lot.

As have a lot of really good reviews.

We are featured in the latest Senet magazine too.

We're getting lots of new FlickFleet fans!

Yet the Gamefound campaign didn't do as well as the last two.

And the pledge manager is way lower than Xeno Wars.

I though the new fans might join in for Expansion 1 which is cheap and out of stock.

Or the great new reviews and cheaper shipping would convince more people to give it a try.

I want to understand why before the next campaign.

Monday, November 20


Crowdfunding is lots of different phases. 

There’s the page graphic design.

Then the constant checking of a live campaign. 

Then a brief respite. 

Then the pledge manager preparation. 

Then the P&P file preparation. 

Then the ordering of all the different components. 

Then it’s over to Paul for the manufacturing. 

Then shipping. 

Which is mostly Paul, but involves a decent chunk of bookkeeping for me. 

The pledge manager is in review. 

So I’ve started working on the P&P files.

The rulebook is taking shape...

Monday, November 13

Pledge Manager

My focus is now setting up the pledge manager.

It’s a bit of a faff.

Gamefound is getting better though.

We’re still a bit unusual though.

Lots of stuff that we re-enter every time.

Because it’s essentially the same game.

We can’t turn it on before the 15th.

I’m hoping to hit that date.

Or thereabouts.

Plus Paul and I have a date to finalise all the ships.

A day of playtesting on the horizon

So I can do the dashboards and rules.

Once the pledge manager is up.

Making solid progress.

Monday, November 6


I’ve spent the weekend in Yorkshire.

In the middle of nowhere.

In a former hunting lodge.

With 25 other gamers.

Playing games.

Oh so many games.

It was awesome.

Did some playtesting.

Played Battlestar Galactica for the first time in years.

And even got a couple of short walks in :)

We were near this 150 year old viaduct