
Wednesday, June 20

Border Reivers 1861st Best Game In The World

Border Reivers has finally got more than the thirty ratings needed to become ranked on BoardGameGeek. It is currently ranked 1861! The system of BGG rankings is intentionally biased against games with a small number of ratings to avoid small numbers of people (or indeed shillers) affecting the top ranked games. This is done using a Bayesian average - to get the ranking for a game the actual ratings are considered in addition to one hundred average ratings (the average rating for all games - currently around 5.3 I think). This means the thirty-one real ratings I have (average 6.9) are signficantly pulled down by the Bayesian spoof ratings. So please rate it!

This is one of the reasons why I've done a larger print run of It's Alive! as the larger print run should mean more people get a copy and hopefully I'll get more ratings. That way the ranking should be less affected by the Bayesian spoof ratings.

In other news I'm pressing on with the It's Alive! ordered copies and I've been revisiting Border Reivers. I had six copies of Border Reivers left at home: mine and five orders I've not sent yet because I'm waiting for the money. This week, two of those have gone - one to it's original orderer, and one to someone from my unofficial waiting list when one of the orders fell through. And another has started to move. I've only got four copies left at home. Weird. I've had the bits for it kicking around for nearly a year now, it's going to feel strange when it's all gone. I'll be very glad to have finished cutting out the tiles when that comes about though. As well as the remaining three copies (which are complete apart from their tiles) I also need to knock together another copy from the spares for another publisher who has expressed an interest.


  1. Wow, this also means that you're one of the top 1861 boardgame designers in the world!


  2. Judging by the fact the Reiner Knizia has in excess of two hundred games to his name (most of which are going to be the top 1861) I reckon I'm one of the top 1661 board game designers in the world!



    P.S. Must not forget that on a more local scale I'm Yorkshire's most promising board game designer ;-p

  3. And the 1861st most modest?

  4. No, I'm nowhere near the top 1,000,000 when it comes to modesty :-)



  5. Congrats on the ranking. When my copy of It's Alive is available I'll be posting a rating after a couple of plays.
    I've never played Border Rievers so I don't know if it's possible but.... have you considered an expansion for Border Rievers? Perhaps a game that could stand alone or be played with Border Rievers???

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I've got some ideas for a BR expansion, but it only makes sense if there's a lot of customers for the basic game, with only 97 copies sold/given away it really doesn't make sense. Still, if it's snapped up by another publisher...



  8. Hey - It's moved up to 1860 now!

  9. Sweet! It started at 1856, and dropped as low as 1863 :(


