
Monday, October 29

What Have I Got to Show for 15 Months?

I’m shutting down the Sole Trading company ‘Jackson Pope trading as Eurydice Games’ and transferring my assets to Eurydice Games Ltd. ahead of the FlickFleet Kickstarter in a couple of weeks time. It seems like a good time to take stock of the first 15 months of Eurydice Games.

I started the company in August 2017 with a £1,000 ‘investment’. I say investment in quotes because it was money I was putting into the company and at risk, but I wasn’t expecting a great return from it, I certainly wasn’t treating this like a stock market investment - but I didn’t want it to be a vanity project where I threw money at games that no one wanted to buy or play.

Fifteen months in and I have just under £600 in the company, so from a cash flow point of view it’s been unsuccessful. if you consider the £355 of Zombology materials I still have in stock then the company has made a loss - I’ve spent a year turning £1,000 into £930. Oh, and I’ve worked probably 150 hours of my free time for no recompense either. So woefully unsuccessful.

So why on earth am I carrying on? The one thing those numbers don’t take account of is FlickFleet. I’ve spent nearly £500 getting FlickFleet ready for market, and obviously FlickFleet hasn’t yet had a chance to recoup any of that. If you treat that as value (R&D investment?) then things look a little rosier: £1,000 to £1,420 in fifteen months, which is a pretty reasonable rate of return. Of course, if FlickFleet fails to fund and we pull the plug on it then that's wasted money, so I can't rely on it.

We're now 10 days from FlickFleet arriving on Kickstarter, so I don't have long to wait to find out...


  1. Is the Flick Fleet KS going to have an 'electronic' level for those that want to support the project? For example, a PDF with the rules and cut outs for those that want to make their own units?

  2. Hi Todd,

    Yes, it does: PDF for rules and ship dashboards plus laser cutting files for the ships. You'll need to source your own cubes, discs, dice and box. That level will be £5 (about $8 I think).



  3. Coolness, you can count me in for that. :-)

  4. Hi Todd,

    Thanks for your support!



  5. Any indications of what the potential backing levels will be? And is the timing (post-Essen) going to affect people's ability to buy?

  6. Hi Derek,

    You can see a preview of the KS page here (including reward levels):

    The timing might well hurt us, but I don't think there's a good time any more - it's always very busy!


