
Friday, April 21

A Good Day for Border Reivers

Yesterday I had the day off work to wait in for a bloke to come and fix a bunch of things in the flat. I took advantage of this time off to concentrate on getting some stuff sorted out for Border Reivers, and had a very successful day.

First up was a phone call to a printer to explore ways to reduce his estimate for the various printed parts of Border Reivers. This generated some useful ideas, and a new request for a quote with different specifications.

Secondly I did some work on the second attempt at the tiles design, making some decent progress and fixing a bug in the computer program I've written to generate the overlaid details on the tiles.

Finally, I went into town to do a bunch of chores and popped into my FLGS Travelling Man. I thought I recognised the guy behind the counter as the Managing Director of the chain who I had spoken to on a previous visit, and I was right. I chatted to him for a good while and managed to get a huge amount of really useful information about distributors and how best to approach selling the games in shops. He also said that they will buy directly from publishers, which was great to know.

He was so helpful that I felt honour-bound to buy Caylus before leaving :-)

1 comment:

  1. We had two more games on Sunday, yet again totally different games, trying out the new rules for the two devalued cards. Not convinced yet about the new rules - they probably need tweaking a bit.
