
Wednesday, May 31

My Games Wishlist

My birthday is coming up soon (it's a round number :-) ), so I've been thinking about what games I'd like to add to my collection. I've listed them in alphabetical order:

Antiquity - I've heard good things about this fairly expensive board game, mainly from Mikko Saari's GameBlog. Its recent reprint means that I might be able to get a copy cheaper than the current exorbitant offerings on ebay.

Carcassonne: Inns & Cathedrals Expansion - One of the two Carcassonne expansions I played recently. Of the two, I think it's the one I prefer, but due to playing both at the same time I'm not sure which is which.

Carcassonne: Traders & Builders Expansion - The other Carcassonne expansion I recently played - not so convinced about this one - but it does come with a nice tile-shuffling bag.

Powergrid - Tim recommended this to me a long time ago (he was also the guy who recommended Carcassonne to me even longer ago), so that counts for a lot. It's also in the top 5 on BGG.

Ticket To Ride - A late arrival (I played it for the first time on the weekend), but I instantly loved this game. It's so simple, and yet still provides plenty of strategy. It's easy to see why this has sold over 500,000 copies in the two years since its release.

Tigris & Euphrates - Reiner Knizia has designed a staggering number of games, and lots of them are highly thought of. The only one I've got (Lord of the Rings) I really enjoy. Tigris & Euphrates is supposed to be one of his best and it remains in the Top 5 on BGG despite being released 9 years ago.

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