
Tuesday, August 8

Playtesting Feedback

Last Thursday I held a playtesting session at a local pub for a few friends who'd not played it before and some guys from my local games club who I didn't really know. During the session I got the players to fill out a questionnaire to give me some feedback.

Now I've got all the questionnaires back I can collate the feedback. It's mostly advice on how to improve the rules, which was just what I was after, however I also asked the players to rate various mechanics and components of the game on a numerical scale from 1 (awful) to 10 (excellent). Here's the results:

Question Average Score
Rules: Clarity 6.00
Rules: Completeness 6.86
Gameplay: Strategy Cards 8.14
Gameplay: Tiles 8.00
Gameplay: Reinforcements 6.86
Gameplay: Combat 7.86
Gameplay: Player elimination 7.00
Gameplay: Game length 8.00
Artwork 7.00
Overall Game Rating 7.71

I'm very happy with the results, as they quelled my last minute nerves that the game wasn't actually any good. Even if you discount the results from my friends the results are still pretty good:

Question Average Score
Rules: Clarity 6.50
Rules: Completeness 7.00
Gameplay: Strategy Cards 7.75
Gameplay: Tiles 7.75
Gameplay: Reinforcements 6.00
Gameplay: Combat 8.25
Gameplay: Player elimination 6.00
Gameplay: Game length 7.50
Artwork 6.50
Overall Game Rating 7.75

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear it would end up on your 'good games' shelf as opposed to the 'bad games' bin :-)

    The game is selling for £30, each copy is signed and numbered (it's a limited edition of 100 copies). It take me 3 and a half hours to construct a copy as I do all the cutting out and sticking together myself.

    I'm offering a 20% discount to anyone who helped my playtest the game in the past, so you're entitled to a copy for £24.


