
Thursday, September 28

And So It Begins...

With The Wife absent last night, I started my big push on construction. I'm keen to get ahead of the curve on construction as until now I've been playing catch-up.

To start off with, I did some gluing in my friend's backyard. I did the reverse side of a couple of copies (completing them), and then the front side of another six copies. I had a bunch of chores to do too, but I also managed to get one and a half of the completed copies' tiles cut out.

I don't think I'm going to manage to get as much as I want done while The Wife is away, I'm busy both weekends now and my evenings are getting eaten up by other things. But I will get as much done as I can.

If the weather holds tonight I'll do another round of gluing as it's the tiles that are the bottleneck.


  1. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Good luck with getting the sets completed... Sounds like you're off to a reasonable start, if the weather holds out for a few days of gluing (which it wouldn't if you were in Manchester!).

  2. The weather forecast looks like I'll be able to get some more done today, and then I've got four days (at least) off gluing due to rain.

  3. Anonymous3:17 pm

    I'm still checking up on you though!

    The Wife

  4. Damn, there goes my next post about tonight's lap-dancing club visit.

  5. Bwahahaha that was hilarious!
    Good work mrs wife.
