
Monday, September 25

Great Weekend

Mum and Dad were visiting for the weekend, so I didn't get much done game-related. However, we did spend a lot of time chatting about my plans and the next game. Dad's very keen to help out with design advice and illustrations in the future, which is great news as he has a breadth of experience it takes years to accrue, and he has skills in these areas where I don't.

We discussed loads of ideas, and I got to play my new game Codename: Jorvik with both Mum and Dad over the weekend which was a good experience. Neither of them are gamers, and Dad in particular doesn't think in that manner at all. I thought that if I could get Dad playing it then I had the right level of simplicity for a gateway game.

It's clear that the game needs a bit more to it though. The game seems to be driven almost entirely by the luck of the draw at the moment - there's not much strategy involved. I've a few ideas in mind that hopefully will address that problem - I'll let you know how those play out as I get to test them over the next few weeks.

I'm off to Paul's again for Games Night tonight. I've not been for a couple of weeks - one week I missed due to needing to do some Border Reivers construction, and another was cancelled since Paul's daughter was ill. I'm really looking forward to it tonight - should be good.


  1. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Hope you had a good night, and got to play some interesting games.
    Most of my gaming recently has been at Shire Gamers on a Thursday night.. I'm really enjoying going to a regularly weekly game group :) [even if it is 45-60 min drive each way]

    I'm hoping to be at Beyond Monopoly sometime next month too. If I can get out of a party I don't really want to go to on the 6th, I'll come along on the 7th.

  2. Hey Andy,

    Sadly it was cancelled due to Paul not being well - but there's always next week.

    I'm hoping to be at BM on the 7th, I'm looking forward to finally meeting you :-)

    If you would like me to bring you a copy of BR let me know a few days in advance so I can make it for you.


  3. Anonymous10:56 pm


    Yes, please add me to your list of pre-orders.. hopefully to collect at Beyond Monopoly on the 7th... I have made my excuses for said aformentioned party.
    What's your preferred method of payment? Up front paypal-style, or cash on teh nose?

    It will be nice to meet up... then I can even say I've met the designer of the game ;)

  4. Cash is just fine :-) That way no-one else gets a cut :-)

    I'll even let you get your photo taken with me :-p
