
Monday, October 2

Busy Weekend

Well, it's been a very busy weekend. We made a lot of progress on the new website design (though it's still not quite ready to go live), went for a walk, went to the cinema and Mal beat me at three games - including two I'd designed myself.

I'm really pleased with the new look for the website - it's much smarter and looks a lot less amateur. We didn't get it all updated, but Mal showed me what I need to do the rest - so I can do that in my own time. It finally incorporates the game logo, box art and company logo - so it ties in with the game much better.

My game of Codename: Jorvik with Mal just confirmed my thoughts about needing to overhaul it to add some more strategy, and we had a few idea about how to improve it. I need to make a new prototype. I'll try to get some more card for the job tomorrow. I have to go into town anyway to post a few copies to some customers.

I also managed to do a bit more construction on Sunday night after Mal had gone home. I made ten rulebooks, cut out the covers for the twelve boxes (lid and tray) and then glued three box lid covers on.

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