
Friday, December 8

Two Updates

The last few days have been very busy - hence the lack of posts. Unfortunately I had to cancel games with Dave on Wednesday (sorry, Dave!), but I spent the evening constructing the next batch of Border Reivers. I'm behind again (I've three finished copies at home and six outstanding orders), but I'm doing well on the next batch of six copies. Wednesday night I finished labelling the boxes, and the Thursday morning, before I left for a job interview in London I did some more construction. I've just got the cards and tiles to do now - and I got the tile gluing done on Tuesday night in Rich's garage again. I'm trying to get some stock together before Christmas, as I'll be unable to make any copies for two weeks over Christmas, and the BBC MindGames review comes out during that period.

I've also upgraded this blog, moving it to Blogger Beta which allows, among other things, labels. At the bottom of each post is a set of labels which I've applied to the post, clicking on them will bring up all the posts with a similar label. I've got to retrospectively label old posts though, which will take some time...


  1. Oooh, nice labels! All that re-labelling should keep you busy...

    Catch you later!

  2. Yeah, there's a chunk o' work in there. Still, I'd been wanting that feature for a while so it's great they've done it.

    See you tonight.

