
Thursday, January 18

Border Reivers - Limited Special Offer

I'm in San Francisco for work next week, so I thought I'd offer free shipping & handling to my US customers, to counteract the expense due to the ludicrous exchange rate.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please reply to this thread on BoardGameGeek, and then send £30 (GBP) to via PayPal.

Please note: Due to limited suitcase space this offer is limited to the first FIVE people to respond to the thread. Payment must be received before 12 noon (GMT) on Monday 22nd January, as I fly out on Tuesday. Postage will be via USPS Package service, on Friday 26th January (the first chance I'll get to get to a Post Office).


  1. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Great news Jack... sounds like you've made a few more sales. Hope you have a good trip to the states!

  2. Me too! I've not been to San Francisco before, and I've got a couple of days of sightseeing at the end of it (it was cheaper to stay two extra days than fly home on Friday).

  3. Anonymous1:28 am

    Wow! Good deal. SF is cool... I've been once when I was in my 20s and loved it. Visit the Hard Rock Cafe if you get chance... and ride the tram too.

  4. I hope to get a chance to do both :-)
