
Friday, May 4

It's Alive! Playtesting Night

I've booked a blind-playtesting event for It's Alive! next week. It will be in the upstairs room of the Yorkshire Terrier pub on Stonegate in York next Wednesday (9th May) from 7pm until 11pm. Click here for a map.

The event is limited to twenty people, and to people who haven't yet played It's Alive! You'll get to play the game from the rulebook, without any help from me, and drink great beer. At the end I'd like you to fill in a short questionnaire, and provide feedback on how to improve the quality/clarity of the rules. In return for your time you'll be able to order a copy at the playtesters discount (20%), so £12 instead of the usual price of £15.

If you would like to attend please email me to book a place.


  1. If I pretend I haven't played before can I come along? Oh go on....please?

  2. Hiya Paul,

    I guess you could come and watch.

    Actually, your viewpoint on the clarity of the rules would be appreciated too. :-)


