
Tuesday, July 24

Update from Phil

Just thought I'd post a quick update about what's been happening. First of all I received It's Alive! a couple of days ago. It looks great and I am eager to play it. One corner got squashed in shipping though :( Thanks Jack for shipping it so quick!

As for my designs, I have been working hard at re-working Archaeology into a card game. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly I'd love to be able to do another print run, and cutting the cost and production time down by just producing cards will help this heaps! Secondly, there are a few rule tweaks I'd like to implement to streamline the game, and up some of the strategic play. Seeing as the original game was pretty close to being card-based anyway, this feels like quite a natural progression. I think I am getting close to locking everything in for it now.


  1. Hiya Phil,

    Sorry to hear your copy of It's Alive! was damaged in shipping, damn them for ignoring the 'fragile' warning. I'll send you a new box.

    In other news, I agree that it would be pretty straightforward to make archaeology a card game - what changes are you thinking of implementing?

  2. No worries about another box, its not that bad!

    The 2 main changes are that lower value cards are more common in the deck, making collecting them a much more enticing strategy, and also overhauling the way the thieves work, so they are less 'take that'. It feels different in some ways, but also similar, so it could really either be seen as a sequel or an adaptation.

  3. I'd market it as 'the highly anticipated second edition' :-)



  4. I think you should add to the name for this version.
    Something after Archaeology...
    Like the old movie serials.
    Like Indiana Jones and the...???

  5. Good thought Runehardt! I have thought a little about this, I think the one that makes the most sense would be "Archaeology: Quest for the Pharaoh's Mask".

  6. That's great! Nice work Phil & Bobby.


