
Friday, October 19

Remember Me?

It's been an absent couple of weeks for me. Last week I was in the Lake District on holiday (it's beautiful, arguably the best scenery in England), and this week I spent the first half of the week on a course in Leeds. Leeds is close to home, so I didn't have to stay away, but I did have to get up at 6am Monday - Wednesday and I had to work Saturday, Sunday and Monday and Tuesday evening. Needless to say I'm knackered.

When I got back from my holiday I found out that Tom Vasel had reviewed It's Alive! while I was away, so I had a bunch of orders on my return. That got rid of the entirety of my constructed stock. Since then I've received a couple more orders that I've had to make in short order. What I need to do now is make some stock so I'm ready for my next orders. I'm off to my local games club tomorrow, and I'll want to take a few copies along to that in case anyone is interested. I also need to send one more review copy to Scott Jon Siegel of Joystiq tomorrow too.

In other news, another prototype turned up today while I was at work. I'll have to collect it from the Post Office tomorrow, on the way to the games club. So many games, so little time!


  1. Congrats on the review. I think it was a great review!

  2. Yeah, I was really happy with the review, thanks Tom! It lead to a few sales too, which was nice :-)

