
Thursday, November 22

It's been a while...

Sorry I haven't posted in some time, but have been busy, and well you know how things get sometime! But I thought I'd post a little update.

Firstly, Archaeology - The Card Game has basically sold out, I have a few copies left. I will be doing a second print run soon with a couple of very minor rules tweaks, just to clear up a couple of issues. The response has been good, lots of friends have passed it on to their friends etc, I think I have sold 10 or 15 copies to people who are passing it on to others they have played with. That is the most rewarding thing I think, knowing that people are actually wanting to get their own copy once they've had a play.

Secondly, I have a handful of games quite far into playtesting for my next release. All are again card-based games, although not all play like card games in the traditional sense. It is amazing what you can "use" cards for as the components in a game! More news on the next game soon I guess!

Anyway, catch you all later, Phil

1 comment:

  1. Great news about AtCG! I agree that selling to people who've played the game and loved it is definitely one of the most rewarding things about this hand-made games lark.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your next venture...


