
Thursday, May 29

National Prototype Day

From now on, 28th May will be known as 'National Prototype Day' a public holiday, when people will send each other game prototypes. Why? I received three yesterday. It was a busy day for my postie, as well as the three prototypes, I received some business cards and another entrant for 'UK Game of the Year' which I'll be judging as part of the judging panel at the UK Games Expo. I'm going to try to play it tonight. I took it to Paul's yesterday afternoon, but after playtesting the latest incarnation of Carpe Astra, one of the new prototypes and another prototype we didn't have enough time left to get a game in. Hopefully, we'll get a chance tonight.

Due to the high cost of Carta Mundi's quote, I'm going to go with the Germans, but this comes with its own problems. Their turnaround is ten weeks, and they need the artwork right at the beginning, so I guess it's going to be at least twelve weeks before it's ready. Seeing as I've sold out of It's Alive!, that's three months of self-employment when I have nothing to sell! Hmmm. Far from ideal. I'm considering a couple of options for bridging the gap.

Tomorrow, without any artwork likely to arrive, I'm likely to take most of the day off. The Wife gets back from a conference in Poland late tonight, so it'll be nice to spend some time with her.

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