Yesterday I spent the afternoon doing my books. I'd let them slip a bit and desperately needed to catch up. It's a boring job, but it needs to be done. Running a game company isn't all about the playing of games, sometimes you have to spend time running a company :-( Still, I made some progress, and I'll do some more soon, trying to bring them right up to date.
Today has mostly been spent on Carpe Astra. After I showed off the art at my playtesting night last Wednesday I got some feedback about things that could be clearer or less confusing. I asked the artist to make some tweaks based on this feedback and when I got the tweaked stuff back today I spent most of the day updating things and proof-reading all the cards. I'm going to start converting things to PDF format next and then submit them to the printer today/tomorrow. Once the card and board artwork has gone I've got two weeks to do the rules and box art. The rules are 'fixed' now, but the rule set I've got doesn't have any art yet and could do with more proof-reading. Still, if I get it to the printers this week things are underway, hopefully I'll get the finished games back in ten weeks or less...
Hi Jack
ReplyDeleteWe're back now, so if you want another pair of eyes to proof read, just email those rules over...
Hiya Lisa,
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good holiday! I'll see you tonight - I could bring them with me then.