Last weekend a Spanish distributor signed up to take some It's Alive! and Carpe Astra. Yesterday I heard back from a Finnish distributor I'd been talking to. They wanted to take some of both games, but the distributor minimum I have was too high for them. So they contacted a Swedish distributor I wasn't aware of, and they're going to place a joint order! Yeay! Scandinavian distribution :-)
I've a few collections to wait in for today, which is ok, because other than that I don't have much time for work today. I've got to spend the day frantically tidying, cleaning and hiding junk in preparation for a couple of visits by potential buyers tomorrow and Saturday. I have to do it during the day today as tonight we're out for The Wife's work Christmas do.
Stuff seems to be going pretty well at the moment, what with several new distributors and a re-order of Carpe Astra already (they've only had it a week!). If I can keep this up I might be able to make a living at this!
I hope that you succeed in making a living of it Jack.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dirk. Me too!
I've only recently started following your blog. I'm excited to see the ongoing development of your distribution outlets - I'm enjoying the vicarious thrill of a game-related career, heh.
I am too! Quitting my (fairly well-paid) job just as the whole world enters a recession was probably a bad idea - but I'm doing alright so far, things seem to be going as well as I could hope for.