
Monday, April 27

A Small Army

I read Seth Godin's blog. I recommend it, he posts most days, short pithy posts that make you think. There's a definite marketing bent to his posts, but lots of the stuff he posts is applicable outside the marketing world.

In one of his recent posts he recommended Chris Guillebeau's '279 Days to Overnight Success' a free manifesto explaining what he had done to make it in the social media arena. I found the manifesto pretty interesting, so I popped over to Chris' site to find out more.

One of the things that Chris recommends is recruiting a 'Small Army' of willing volunteers who will help you achieve your goals.

It struck me that I've (without really trying) started to do that - there's a bunch of people out there who have helped me get Reiver Games off the ground, often for little or no compensation. Much of what I have achieved so far is in no small part due to them, so I thought now would be a good time to thank them (in no particular order):

  • The Wife: For her enthusiasm, support and art direction - I couldn't do it without you.
  • Mal: The website, the last minute proof-reading, Essen, the list is long!
  • Michael: Excellent German translations, often with very little notice, and three hours on the stand at Essen.
  • Dunk and Lucy: Essen - especially the driving and meals :-) and my first convention
  • My designers (Yehuda, Ted and Dirk): For trusting me with your games and choosing me from all the other publishers out there.
  • Paul and Lisa: The enthusiasm, proof-reading and playtesting
  • Tony: Sales repping in the US.
  • Dave: The UK Games Expo in 2007, plus lots of playtesting.
  • Everyone who has submitted a game to me.
  • Everyone who has translated the rules for one of my games into their language
  • All my playtesters and proof-readers, the games wouldn't be possible without you.
  • My true fans who buy all my games - I really appreciate all your support

If I've forgotten you from the list I apologise, say hi in the comments and I'll redress the balance.

Want to join my small army? I'd love the help :-) Things you can do:

  • Play my games
  • Rate my games on BoardGameGeek
  • Become a fan of my games on BGG or Facebook
  • Buy one of my games
  • Ask your local retailer to stock my games
  • Ask any contacts at a distributor to stock my games
  • Review my games on BGG
  • Translate the rules of one of my games into your language
  • Introduce my games to other people - take them to games nights, conventions or demo them at a local retailer

There are things that you can do that cost money, things that cost time, and things that are almost effortless - do as much or as little as you feel like - any help is appreciated.