
Monday, May 18

Beer and Pretzels

I had a great weekend in Burton at the 20th Beer and Pretzels games convention. I delivered a box of Carpe Astra and a box of It's Alive! to Spirit Games the shop that runs the convention, as they had sold out of both in the weeks leading up to the convention. After that I set up on a table and proceeded to demo my games and do some playtesting. I did my usual thing 'working' during the days until about 5-6pm and then 'playing' during the evening. The only difference being that while I'm 'working' I only play my own games (and prototypes), in the evenings I have a beer and play whatever anyone else wants to play.

Sumeria was well-received, with a gratifying percentage of players pre-ordering after their game. It would have been higher, but several people didn't pre-order a copy as all their gaming buddies were already on the pre-order list :-). It's Alive! sold a few copies over the weekend, and Carpe Astra was popular too. In addition, I got several playtesting games of one of my prototypes in too.

I also spent some time gaming with Paul, who runs Games Lore one of the biggest UK online games stores. He's running low on stock of my games and says they was a large spike in the number of Carpe Astra sales after my competition on BoardGameGeek. Nice to get some confirmation that the competition worked!

All in all, a great weekend, and I returned to lots of emails including a few more email pre-orders of Sumeria. I've now more than doubled the number of pre-orders I've got for Sumeria since reducing the pre-order price. Everyone is getting the price reduction, including those who pre-ordered before I reduced the price, so I lost some money from those early pre-orders (£17.50 down to £15, so £2.50 per customer). Thankfully, the number of new pre-orders more than makes up for that!

Just before I left for Beer and Pretzels I heard from the German manufacturer that Sumeria is being assembled on Wednesday. All being well it will arrive at my warehouse before the end of next week.


  1. You mean "a box of Carpe Astra and a box of It's Alive!", right?

  2. Yes! Well spotted - thanks Mal. I've corrected it.



  3. I can't wait to see the actual box of Sumeria!
    It's nice to hear that the pre-orders have been doubled.
    Good move Jack.

  4. Thanks Dirk. I have high hopes for the finished product, Harald's art looks fantastic, and the production quality of Carpe Astra was great too, and since I'm using the same manufacturer I expect Sumeria to be just as good!



  5. I look forward to the good news that Sumeria is ready to ship and you want me to pay up.

  6. Hiya Todd,

    Won't be long now! I look forward to the news that it's arrived at my warehouse and lots of people have paid up :-)


