
Monday, June 19

Feedback Wanted on New Zombology Look

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I've been working on the Zombology artwork for the next version I'm making. The picture below shows the art for the version I released in November 2015 as part of NaGa DeMon. Along the top are an example of each of the therapy cards (one of each number and suit) and along the bottom are the Guru, Pay Rise, Overrun, Army Perimeter cards and the back images for the two decks:

There were a few things I wanted to improve for the next version. The art was pretty rushed for the NaGa DeMon version - it was essentially prototype art, compounded by the fact that I'm not actually a very good artist and I couldn't afford to hire one either. In particular I was unhappy with the Army Perimeter card and although I quite liked the scientist icon on the back of the Epidemic cards, it was not in keeping with the rest of the art.

In addition, a few things came up during testing:

  • the Homeopathy background was a bit too dark, 
  • the Guru cards were too similar to the corresponding therapy cards, 
  • it was easy to confuse the Pay Rise and Overrun cards,
  • the Psychotherapy suit was confusing as it was the only real therapy included.
To address these issues, I've spent a decent chunk of time over the last few weeks trying to improve the art to fix these problems and just give it a better look:

I'd really appreciate any feedback on the new versions. Are they better or have I made things worse? Anything specific you like or don't like?


  1. I definitely think it's almost entirely an improvement. The only thing that I think is worse is the new dude on the Guru card doesn't stand out so well and isn't quite as "iconic" as the old one. I like it when it's big but not so much when it's small and in the corners. I think in general the cards are now easier to tell apart, so that's good. And the little change to the magnets card makes a surprisingly large difference to how good it looks.

  2. Thanks Chris,

    I'll see what I can do to improve the Guru icons. I might just get rid of them...


