
Monday, January 8

Media Week!

I'm travelling to near Boston, MA for work this week as I do a few times a year. This time I've arranged a couple of things Eurydice Games-related to do in my spare time during my trip. As usual I'll probably be awake from very early in the morning (jet-lag is not my friend) so I'll have some time to spend doing some work on the website and the FlickFleet rules too.

This month I need to get a few new FlickFleet prototypes made: updating mine, one for my co-designer Paul, plus one for Todd (who won my NaGa DeMon competition back in November) and a couple for far flung playtesters. I need to re-write the rules to reflect the changes Paul and I made just before Christmas and order more perspex, dice & wooden tokens and get some greyboard to make the boxes - all of which I can do in the early hours from my hotel room in America. When I get back I'll have to get the laser-cutting done, print the new ship cards (hampered by the fact that my printer is now broken) and assemble the prototypes ready for shipping.

I also want to make some improvements to the website (I need to add a page linking to the Zombology reviews and BGG, plus add a few more customer testimonials) and I need to pay the charities the money I pledged as part of my Charity December promotion.

But the most exciting part of the trip is a couple of interviews I'm doing. Tuesday morning I'm being interviewed by Jack Eddy of The Cardboard Herald (it's much easier when I'm on US Eastern time than when I'm at home seeing as he's in Alaska, nine hours behind GMT!) and then on Thursday I'm meeting up with W. Eric Martin, the editor of BoardGameGeek News. I met him a couple of times while I was running Reiver Games, at the UK Games Expo and again at Essen, but I last met him in the flesh about 8 years ago. Eric lives fairly close to our office in North Carolina, so while I'm down there on Thursday and Friday I'm going to meet up with him to show him Zombology and my FlickFleet prototype (with old ship cards - stupid broken printer!) and do a video interview too.

Hopefully both of these efforts will help raise the profile of me and Eurydice Games and might even lead to a couple of sales further down the line. For now though I need to go and catch a flight!

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