I’m having to get my head back into programming.
As well as learning all the new domain and our suite of applications.
I’m tired and I’ve not been sleeping well.
There are several upsides though.
I’ve found a couple of gaming buddies and am frequently gaming at lunchtime before walking home.
We even playtested Rocky ‘Roid last week when I forgot to take in Lost Cities.
I’m getting loads of exercise.
I’m enjoying the job way more.
I’ve also arranged a FlickFleet tournament on our next Connection Day when they try to get everyone into the office :)
Let’s see how they fare at this!
In other news, Paul is frantically laser-cutting and we’re making progress on fulfilment.
Not helped by the Royal Mail ransomware attack though - they still can’t accept international parcels :(
And I’ve restarted the Newcastle Playtest group :)
My new daily habits mean I’m making decent progress on 2 games and have another ready for playtesting.
Plus another I’d like to get to prototype stage soon too!