I’m an idiot.
I’ve been fixated on our financial year.
This one is going to be worse than last year.
Not by much.
Only 5% or so.
But I’ve been trying everything I can to close that gap.
Or even squeak out a sixth consecutive year of growth.
Web sales have more than doubled this year.
But that’s not enough to counteract the Pirate Flicks being our second best campaign, not a sixth consecutive best ever FlickFleet campaign.
Plus we’ve missed a couple of conventions this year.
The game is ready.
So I’ve rushed the campaign.
I’ve been trying to get it delivered by the end of this month.
To hit this year’s numbers.
That’s doing it a disservice.
The campaign is far from ready.
No high ink photos.
No video.
Reviews aren’t ready yet.
Artwork is pending.
And I haven’t run any ads.
Because the campaign isn’t ready.
I’m a chump.
I should push it back.
By a month. Or six weeks.
And do it properly.
Give it the attention it deserves.
Growth isn’t everything.