Monday, May 30


It’s been a week.

Daughter the Second turned five.

So we decorated the house.

And then did everything for her party on Saturday.

On top of that, it’s the Expo this weekend.

We need to get everything ready for that. 

Including the review copies of Xeno Wars.

I’ve been flat out.

The Xeno Wars artwork is now with the printer.

Just got a couple of things left to do: send the newsletter and create our Zettle shop.

Then it’s off to the Expo.

It's hard work!

Our first time exhibiting.

It’s exhausting.

I remember from my Reiver Games days.

Long days.

On your feet.

Enthusiastic and interacting with people constantly.

Next Monday I have the day off.

With two young kids - both schools are shut.

Might not be the day of recuperation I’ll need!

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