Monday, May 8


The other day I saw a LinkedIn post about daily habits.

If you make 1% progress every day for a year you’ll make 377% progress!

There’s a rounding error. It’s actually 378%.

You’d think it was 365%, but the joys of compounding give you a little more.

At two years the compounding is even more pronounced. Instead of 730% you get 1,428%!

I’m only 150 days, less than half a year, into my daily games design habit - but I’m already feeling it.

I have multiple games on the go.

Making decent progress on them.

Playtesting loads

Some days it’s tiny progress. It can be a struggle to fit it in around FlickFleet shipping, Rocky ‘Roid prep and family commitments.

Others it’s huge.

Want to become good at something?

Do it every day.

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