Monday, April 10


I’ve spent the last week in a big house in the country with the entirety of my clan.

Nineteen of us. Aged 14 months to 77 years.

I’m still waking up early.

I was up first every day.

I did my chain of daily habits.

Then turned to games design.

Evolving rapidly

I finished the first Codename:Troll prototype.

Soloed it a couple of times.

Found a bunch of things to change.

Made a new version.

Soloed that a couple of times. It’s better.

Made some changes to Siren.

Tried them out.

They showed some issues.

I need to figure out how to address them.

Feels good to be prototyping.

Finding flaws.

Making progress.

Make games design a daily habit has been amazing.

My progress this year is night and day from the last couple of COVID years.

I have more headspace though, without the worry of that hanging over me.

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