Thursday, April 2

A Spanner in the Works

Things seemed to be going pretty well. The BoardGameGeek competition is finally up, the art for Sumeria is nearly done. I'm getting some good feedback on Sumeria and the other games I'm testing at the moment. This weekend I was going to a local(ish) convention to demo It's Alive!, Carpe Astra and Sumeria and get some more playtesting done.

Then the proverbial spanner. I'm having another MS attack. This time it doesn't affect my ability to walk (good) instead it affects my eyesight, and hence my ability to drive (bad!).

I've been going to a game group on Tuesdays (25 miles away), and a games club on Thursdays (15 miles away). I was hoping to go to convention on Saturday (45 miles away) and to go to a games shop in St. Neots (22 miles away) to show them my games. Obviously, until my eyesight is restored to a reasonable level I'm going to have to shelve all these plans. It could be several weeks.

Living in a small rural village sucks when you can't get out of it.


Mal said...

Man, that blows. I'm probably a little bit too distant to help you out too. :(

Jackson Pope said...

You mean you're not going to drive the 260 miles down here to be my chauffeur for six weeks? Some friend you are! If you leave home at 2:30am on Saturday morning we could still be at TringCon when it opens at 9am. Come on, you know you want to!



Mal said...

You know, if it weren't for those roadworks on the M1, I'd be right there, buddy. *cough*

Jackson Pope said...

Roadworks! Go down the A1! See you at 7:30am, Saturday?



Mal said...

Ah, damn. There goes my... errr... throttle farbulator. Sorry. Gonna be off the roads for a while now.

Jackson Pope said...

Throttle Farbulator, eh? Sounds expensive! Fortunately for you I know nothing about cars.



Mike said...

Hope you recover quickly!

n_r_a said...

Hey, Jack.

Sumeria in the bgg hot games list!

Mal said...

More than just Sumeria. Carpe Astra's at #2 and It's Alive! is at #5. Mint!

Jackson Pope said...

Sweet! Go BGG competition - thanks for the heads up and good wishes.

One-eyed Cap'n Jack

Anonymous said...

And Reiver Games top of the Companies list. That Rocks!


Jackson Pope said...

Yeay! I'm famous :-)


The Legendary Cap'n Jack