Monday, October 14


Board game publishing, well any publishing really, is gambling.

You back a horse.

By choosing a game to publish.

You bet a stake.

By paying for marketing and artwork.

Kickstarter has improved things, since you no longer have to gamble the manufacturing and shipping costs upfront as well.

And then you find out how your bet did.

When you sell the print run, or run the crowdfunding campaign.

If you’re a big company, you hedge your bets.

Back many horses.

Hoping some of them win big enough to cover any losing bets.

We’re small.

One bet at a time.

Each one needs to cover the stake really.

Away Team Bingo is live on Gamefound now.

It finishes tomorrow.

And it’s tracking towards just covering its stake.

Monday, October 7


This week I've mostly felt rough.

Had a bad cold at the beginning of the week, and then my COVID and flu vaccines at the end.

I've taken a lot of Lemsip!

We've still made progress though.

Paul's been building up stock.

Including of the new Box of Pirate Flicks - so that's now up for sale on the website.

I've been finishing off the Away Team Bingo campaign, ready for Tuesday's launch.

At this point it looks like it's going to under-perform Rocky 'Roid.

I just hope it breaks even!

I've also opened a Gamefound store.

And been working on Jotunsaga.

New terrain cards, might make them hexes.

Incorporating feedback from last weekend's playtest with the public, and last Tuesday's trip to Newcastle Playtest.

There's no rest for the mildly ill!

Monday, September 30


Our sixth financial year finishes today.

Seventh if you count the year I ran it on my own at the beginning.

Before Paul joined and we became the home of FlickFleet.

It’s been another pretty good year.

Made a profit.

But nearly ran out of cash twice.

Did ok.

What will next year bring?

Hopefully more conventions.

Maybe a new game?

I was playtesting Jotunsaga at the North East Tabletop Expo on Sunday.

Feedback was positive.

It’s improving.

Progress is being made.

Monday, September 23


I’ve spent the week doing stills for the Away Team Bingo video.

A still!

And shipping a lot of games.

We had our best week of orders since November!

And with Paul still away, I was shipping them.

The stills are good progress, but I also need to film some video.

And that’s been a challenge.

Finding the time.

During daylight.

When I’m not shipping games.

My day job have recently changed the benefits package to give us an extra day off per year.

So I’ve used mine today.

To do the filming.

And then hopefully the editing too.

Here’s hoping for a day of solid progress.

Monday, September 16


Last week I talked about how I’m chasing growth.

Not for the reason you might expect though.

Not to win capitalism.

Or sell the company to Asmodee.

But to get to the point where it’s really working.

Currently it almost is.


We pay Paul a (meagre) salary.

We’ve grown every year so far.

Except this year

We’ve been profitable 5 out of 6 years.

But we’re not stable yet.

Web sales need to be greater than overheads.

So we can survive between crowdfunding campaigns.

Sometimes they are.

Sometimes they aren’t.

And then we’re bleeding cash.

The last couple of years we’ve had to lend the company money to do things.

Or stay afloat.

We haven’t this year.

But at one point we had less than £150 in the bank.

With bills to pay.

I want to grow.

So that doesn’t happen any more.

That’s why.

Monday, September 9


I’m an idiot.

I’ve been fixated on our financial year.

This one is going to be worse than last year.

Not by much.

Only 5% or so.

But I’ve been trying everything I can to close that gap.

Or even squeak out a sixth consecutive year of growth.

Web sales have more than doubled this year.

But that’s not enough to counteract the Pirate Flicks being our second best campaign, not a sixth consecutive best ever FlickFleet campaign.

Plus we’ve missed a couple of conventions this year.

Away Team Bingo was a chance to close that gap further.

The game is ready.

So I’ve rushed the campaign.

I’ve been trying to get it delivered by the end of this month.

To hit this year’s numbers.

That’s doing it a disservice.

The campaign is far from ready.

No high ink photos.

No video.

Reviews aren’t ready yet.

Artwork is pending.

And I haven’t run any ads.

Because the campaign isn’t ready.

I’m a chump.

I should push it back.

By a month. Or six weeks.

And do it properly.

Give it the attention it deserves.

Growth isn’t everything.

Monday, September 2


It's been a weird week.

Didn't know what day it was at the beginning due to three days camping in a forest.

Thursday to Sunday.

Then a Bank Holiday Monday.

Since I've got back I've been working on Away Team Bingo's crowdfunding.

Got some initial sketches from the artist! 

And setting up a Gamefound store.

And trying to learn to Tiktok.

And planning a campaign video.

And thinking up a (fifth!) print at home roll and write while lying still for 45 minutes in an MRI.

And making some sizeable changes to Jotunsaga.

Feel a bit all over the place.

Not sure whether I'm coming or going!