Tuesday, November 1

TGWAG: The Beginning

The Game Within a Game.

All you have to do is help me out with the design of my Roll & Write during the month of November.

You can read the rules. Playtest the game. Ask questions. Give advice. Leave comments (here on the blog please). Come up with a name.

I will take all that feedback and iterate the game as quickly as I can.

And I will give out Pointless Internet Points.

For any help provided.

Players will be ranked by their points.

At the end there'll be a (sur)prize for the highest PIP total.

But we need to start at the beginning.

Here's where we start: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pS7Uz04T1lvYy456W7O2juhTQfa6p8KR/view?usp=share_link

This zip file includes the rules and the player sheets as they are at the start of the month.

The player sheet

I've already got some ideas from previous playtester feedback.

Make the set-up far simpler. Maybe fixed Overlord demands, with different 'games' with different demands. And a different map for each 'game'.

Let me know your thoughts and I'll take it from here.

The PIP ranks for this game are:

Rank PIPs
Prospector Captain36-40
Surveyor 1st Class31-35
Assistant Surveyor26-30
Scanner Operator21-25
Sensor Technician16-20
Sensor Cleaner11-15
Recycling Pipework Technician6-10
Recycling Pipework Technician's Mate1-5

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