I've got the first artwork back from the artist. It's obviously just a rough sketch, but it'll give you some idea of where we're going :-)
I've asked the artist to make a couple of changes to make the characters look a bit more ruthless among other things, but I'd appreciate your feedback too. What do you think? These two are the Admiral and the Trader, as discussed in the last two character previews.

As usual, you can click on the image to see a larger version.
The other two character previews with feature the artwork for those characters, the High Priest sketch in particular is awesome!
The Admiral looks about right to me (although not sure about the elastoplast on her head?)
Trader looks far too cheerful and friendly - I'd envisaged someone with the gaunt/steely-eyed/widows-peak kind of look.
Suppose it depends how stereotypical you want them! :-)
Pretty cool, but I definitely think they need less ruth. :)
Yeah, the elastoplast is a bit dodgy, it'll probably look less like one when it's coloured in. The trader I've asked for more arrogant and smarmy, he's incredibly successful and with that comes a belief in himself that shows through.
These are great but I agree they seem to be 'too fluffy' for the concept and character descriptions...can't wait to play!
Hiya Leigh,
The final versions should definitely be less fluffy, and the next character preview (the Priest) doesn't look even slightly fluffy :-)
I think they look awesome so far. I can't wait.
Hiya Bobby,
Thanks more to come as I get them.
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