I've decided to reduce the frequency of my blogging in an attempt to boost the quality - i.e. only post when I've something to say. Hopefully, it'll make the blog a bit more interesting...
Last night I got some good news, a sale that I had previously counted, but hadn't turned into anything was confirmed - I was beginning to lose some confidence, as sales had slowed too. But, I chased them up, and they confirmed the sale - woohoo! I've also received another real gamer sale this week - things are looking up.
We also had some friends round, and while the ladies entertained themselves, Rich and I played games. First up was a game of Border Reivers, and to avoid damaging the copies I had ready to go, we played with the old prototype:

It was fun breaking out this old version, and I still love the FIMO pieces I made to represent mountain ranges, towers and castles:

The game was a real nail-biter, Rich got to the mine first and made use of the monetary advantage to get a lot of armies. Outnumbered on cash and armies I had to make a few desperate attacks, which after some disasterous failures finally paid off. I managed to win the mine back eventually, and wiped Rich out at the same time as getting the requisite gold. It was a really enjoyable game because of the back-and-forth nature and the pressure I felt under. Good stuff.
Afterwards I offered Rich a few options and he chose my Jorvik prototype (the latest one). We ended up playing four games, I won the first, then we drew the second, I won the third and then Rich won the final game. Rich seemed to enjoy it, and was keen to play more. During the games our scores steadily increased, until the last game when we both suffered at the hands of the events. It felt good though, we both had a strategy, I won the majority of the games which implies a level of strategy, rather than just blind luck, and I found a flaw in the rules, which needed to be address halfway through the last game. I still think Jorvik needs something else, but I felt it went fairly well. One of the things I'm aiming for with Jorvik is a Lost Cities-like experience. Fast games, that are really good fun and pull you in for more. The first time I played Lost Cities, I got utterly creamed but really wanted to play again. When I introduced it to Roman we played five games back-to-back. After each game of Jorvik last night I offered Rich the chance to play something different, and each time he chose another game of Jorvik - I must be doing something right.
Nice FIMO work Jack! Jorvik sounds really good, i'm looking forward to having a play of it at some point.
I was thinking of having a prototype night at some point. Get a few gaming friends round and have Jorvik, Artist, Sennon, Citywise and hopefully my submission from another designer available for play. It'll be like a games night, but you have to provide feedback on the games you play :-)
It sounds like ripping off a plaster, get it all done in one go and the pain is reduced! I'm certainly up for it, it'd be good to get a lot of people into 'playtesting mode'. Do you think there will be problems that are common to all prototypes?
The most obvious problems with prototypes will be low production quality and rules that need better explaining. I would imagine that the games will have their weaknesses too, though I imagine they will differ from game to game.
The FIMO pieces look cool. I thought they were plastic to begin with, and that you were experimenting with new components...
Nope, each one hand sculpted and carved :-) It took a while but I was very pleased with the end result and played with that version for a couple of years. The castles are prone to losing their parapets though :-(
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